What do you think of when you hear the word “recovery”? In the (almost) 4 decades I have worked in the health and fitness industry as a licensed physical therapist and certified fitness professional and I have seen recovery take many forms. But, with recent global events, I am seeing recovery in a whole new light these days. Recovery is, by definition is “a process of returning to a normal state after a period of difficulty.”

This has been a very difficult and challenging time for everyone on the planet and one day we will look back on this time and reflect. For myself I decided early in this COVID19 quarantine that I want to live the story I will wish to tell others and feel proud. While I will admit I have struggled some days I choose to see challenges as opportunities to rise up and respond in a way that will support me and those I serve. I see that my thoughts, actions and attitude as a critical piece of the journey to recovery. The light at the end of this tunnel will be the reflection of the person I have become and I know this to be true for everyone who walks the same road.

Recovering from this crisis as a stronger and better version of yourself will require finding the right tools to learn more about yourself, which will help strengthen you from within. Strengthening your inner reserves and developing the security in who you truly are is vital now and will support you in MO’ving forward as we transition into the “new” normal. We can find ways to get back to or rather MO’ve back to our normal or true state of health. In my role as a licensed physical therapist this is what I trained for and I have a lot of experience working in intensive care helping move patients critically ill back to their optimal physical function, so I know it is possible and achievable.

I also know from my work as a physio that there is no easy or quick fix where recovery is concerned. Recovery takes time and intention. It takes discipline and consistent effort, patience and a commitment to moving forward one day, one step or one therapy or exercise session at a time. You need the right tools and following the proper exercise protocol. Although we may be limited in where we can go and what we can do you can be proactive and use this time to start thinking about or start building your personal recovery plan! This is what I want to help you with and where I feel I can serve and support. Now, more than ever, focussing on connection and communication is key. Why is this so important? Because it is our human nature to connect with one another and we are better and stronger together. It is important for health and our mental wellbeing. Before this pandemic and stay-at-home lockdown we took for granted the importance of physical connection for our physical, mental and emotional and, relationship needs. But now, the world has no choice but to move to a purely digital world of connection, and the methods we have for communicating with one another are so very different. Under lockdown we have been forced to learn new ways to communicate, interact, influence, lead, sell, collaborate and get along with others in new ways (i.e. virtually). It is a very different time with all the new learning involved; one that has been challenging for many.

Connecting for the sake of creating relationships will be different for absolutely everyone. It’s something that takes time to a learn and understand (about yourself and others) but when you can connect in a truly authentic manner, it makes a great deal of difference to both your personal and professional relationships. I realized the power of connection and the importance of connecting through relationship building in writing the book “THINK Yourself ® RELATIONSHIPS PRO”. This book is a guide to understanding yourself (i.e. your relationship “Style”) and understanding others (Did you know there are 4 different styles? You will learn about these via the STYLE-L.I.S.T. Personal Assessment tool in the book). I have seen how and truly believe that together these tools will help with communication mastery so that you can not only express yourself and but also understand others better. If you are interested in learning more about your relationship “Style” and how to better connect with others in
your personal and professional networks through the “Style-L.I.S.T” principles, then I encourage you to check out my book “THINK Yourself® A RELATIONSHIPS PRO” as well as the program bundle of the “THINK Yourself® A RELATIONSHIPS PRO” book and 22 session video course program bundle which also includes 30 minutes of live coaching with me! *For the month of May 2020 receive a 50% discount on this program bundle with promo code: TYAMAY2020*

How do you see yourself as the best version of yourself? What do you need for your recovery and return to the “new” normal in mind and body to help you with realizing that vision? What is the one thing you can do to MO’ve yourself forward today? Wherever you are at and whatever you need, I would be honoured to support you with your recovery plan to move through the challenges you are facing at this time, and to build MO’mentum in your personal and professional development for the future and return to the “new” normal.

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