Spring is an exciting time. It’s a time of renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation for everyone and our planet. It’s time for us to dust off the winter blues and remember and re-visit what we are most excited about this year. In January of this year, I wrote a blog series in which I invited you to “courageously declare the beliefs, habits, and behaviours you intentionally choose to change in 2023”. How’s that going? Wherever you are on your journey through this year, there is no better time than now, with the changing of the seasons to renew our focus and determination with the “Courage to be …” what it is we want to be this year (which also is the theme for canfitpro’s 30th anniversary this year). If you missed the January blog series I recommend checking out the free digital download – MO’S GUIDE TO S.U.C.C.E.S.S FOR THOSE READY TO MO’VE FORWARD IN 2023 – which brings together the four messages and related tools, practices, and resources I shared in the blog series to help you MO’ve forward and achieve S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in 2023.

In my blog this month, I’m going to as you a series of questions that I hope you will have the courage to answer honestly and openly. Doing so will bring clarity and help you recognize where you need to focus your energy and MO’tivate you with fresh ideas to cultivate more courage to spring forward towards your goals this year.  Consider this an opportunity to do some spring cleaning and a reboot for your goals – whether they be personal or professional.

What is calling on your courage this year? What are you working on this year that is calling on your courage to move your business/career/life to the next level? This is about where your courage sits and how it fits with the different dimensions of your profession, business, and life. Strengthening the connection and relationship is key. Success leaves clues but it is courage that is required for you to dig deeper, to acknowledge not only your failures but also your successes.  Typically we focus solely on our failures and beat ourselves up. Instead, I encourage you to take time to reflect on your successes and find within these examples your strengths. While we may have many goals and plans that keep us on the move, pause and ask yourself these questions. 

What are 3 key traits that allow you to be successful in your career? Look back at past examples of where you have been successful and think about how these traits have helped you in the past to get from where you are to where you want to be. This is about reverse engineering the process – beginning with the end in mind, seeing what you need to get you there, and then taking action to make it happen.

How can you have fun with what you are doing and build MO’re joy into taking action? If we aren’t feeling joyful while doing our work, then it is easy to fall into fear and let that emotion take over. That’s why joy and courage are mutually reinforcing–the better we feel, the more courage we will bring to our work. And the more courageous we become, the easier it is to reach our goals, which brings us more joy. So even with those big, important, and challenging goals, how can you have fun and build joy into the journey to cultivate more courage?

Surrounding myself with inspiring and successful people and learning from others’ stories and experiences is one way I find MO’st helpful to boost my courage and my MO’tivation.  So this month I am excited to be sharing an inspiring conversation with Melanie Levenburg, winner of canfitpro’s 2022 Fitness Professional of the Year FIS award, on my podcast A MO’ment with MO. What is courage calling on you to do this year?  In case you missed it, nominations for the 2023 canfitpro Fitness Professional of the Year Award are now open until May 24! Success does not happen without action – nominate yourself or someone today!

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