At this strange time of COVID-19 and for the future of our collective wellbeing, it has become more apparent than ever that our relationships are essential for our resiliency, stability, and survival. Community and connection both on an individual and societal level are paramount. Meaningful relationships and community connections remind us we are not alone. And, if there is one thing that we have learned, it is that community spirit can run much deeper and further than one place and location. Still, it takes work to maintain a community and stay connected but it is rewarding on so many levels to have a connection.
Connection is an interesting concept and feeling which can be hard to define. But when you experience the energy and the joy of authentic connection you know and can feel its significance – it affects us on a heart and soul level. There is a powerful advantage to taking a “the inside out” approach to connection. Let me explain – the better we know and connect with who we truly are at a soul level, the better we can show up as our best selves and connect more authentically with those in our lives. This last theme – a combination of spiritual and social connection – is going to bring us together and help us realize and conclude this “Back to You” challenge.
Spiritual Self-Care
How can you connect more deeply with yourself, and with who matters most to you? Connection is a super-power and invisible force that elevates all of us. Finding community and creating connection is nurturing on a soul-care level because, without this kind of connection, we feel isolated, which is the opposite of empowering. Community connection reminds us we are connected to something much bigger and stronger than ourselves.
I value the communities I am part of, including my monthly WHY mentorship group, my Fitness for All, GoodLife and canfitpro Communities.
More than just being part of a community, we need to find ways of being of service to our communities to find purpose and fulfilment. It begins with knowing your WHY or your destiny and your purpose. Discovering why we do what we do is the vital inner work we need to do to live fully empowered in service to the world.
Look at all four areas – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual – and ask yourself how you feel about each one. Do you have self-care activities to fill all four categories? I hope my suggestions can help you fill in the gaps. MO’dify or add in your own personal practices!
1: If you are looking for more ideas and inspHERation to add to your personal self-care challenge then check out this FREE 30 Day MO’ments of Self-care Challenge I created. You can pick and choose the self-care activities and add them to your toolbox or choose to take the 30 day challenge this MO’nth!
2: If you are looking for more ideas and inspHERation to add to your personal self-care challenge then check out this FREE C.H.A.N.G.E. LeadHership and Self-Care Calendar that was created for the canfitpro 7th Annual Women Who Influence Event. You can pick and choose the self-care activities and add them to your toolbox or why not take the challenge this MO’nth!