What if we are looking at aging backwards? How can we flip the script and change the story we tell ourselves so we can re-imagine our relationship with our age and with ourselves as we age?
Many things in life depend upon your mindset and attitude. Earlier this month, I shared an article that I published along with some well-known and highly experienced industry experts—Sara Kooperman, Dr. Len Kravitz, Lawrence Biscontini, Robert Linkul and Beth Oldfield. Our 90 minutes of collaborative discussion on the subject of active aging inspired us to co-create this article which was published in canfitpro’s November/December magazine and which I posted earlier this month. In the article, I reference a compelling Doc Morris advert about a gentleman who re-ignites his relationship with fitness in order to realize his dream of picking up his young granddaughter to help her put the star on the family’s Christmas tree. If you have not seen this emotionally loaded commercial, I highly encourage you to watch it. (Read on to the end of this blog where I have provided the link to the video!) It’s also perfect to get you into the holiday spirit as December is just around the corner!
While one message of this story is the importance of taking care of yourself, the story also tells us it is never too late, and nothing is impossible. As Audrey Hepburn says—“the word itself says I’m possible”! This is precisely the attitude change and perspective change that is very much needed, especially towards our relationship with our age.
Kelly McGonigal, author of “The Joy Of Movement” writes about the Hazda – a hunter-gather community in Tanzania – where there is little difference in the amount of activity between men and women and community members actually get more activity as they age!! In our Western society, the more years you add to your life, the less active you are expected to be. Sadly, peak activity levels on average occur for us at age six. This is not what I believe, and I don’t believe this is where we need to remain as a society. I believe in inspiring a world of MO’tion—that is my WHY. My MO’tivation to keep MO’ving is what keeping me going and growing. I have chosen to adopt this attitude. And believe me when I say it is a choice – it is not always easy and not always natural, but attitude really is everything. It allows you to shift your perspective and see past the general taken-for-granted assumptions and re-write our story of aging and what it could mean. What if we revised how we looked at aging as re-generative and re-invigorating? Like a fine bottle of wine—life really can keep getting better and more refined with age! Not convinced yet? Where attention goes, energy flows, so how do you choose to direct your attention and how can you harness your energy and abilities?
We only have so much control over the world around us and what happens to us—with the chaos we have faced in the last few years that has become very apparent! You can’t choose what happens to you, but you can choose your attitude and how you respond and MO’ve forward. Onwards and upwards! This month I challenge you to assert your worth. Remember and look at and value your abilities over assumptions and above all elevate your attitude! This is who we can start a revolution in re-thinking our relationship with age.
Next month, December 2021, is especially significant to me. I will celebrate my 60th birthday and setting foot on the path of adventure into a new decade. Stay tuned for MO’re exciting news on how I plan to kick off my next decade and you join me in making a difference by putting action behind your attitude!
Here is the video: