Wherever you go and whatever you do, the strength and power of your relationships will determine your happiness and your success. MO’ving forward and out of the chaos and resulting isolation we’ve collectively experienced for close to a year now, it has become clear to me just how significant relationships are. I have known for a very long time the importance and understanding of the art and science of building relationships in my career and personal life. As a fitness instructor, international presenter and industry leader, I have had amazing opportunities to teach, train and speak around the world–and every one of those opportunities arose from focusing on, nurturing and maintaining strong relationships. A major focus of my work in 2020 has been on encouraging the power of connection and, through leading canfitpro’s virtual series and my teaching and presenting online, I’ve been able to empower the connection between people, businesses and industries and the rewards have been invaluable.
This month my focus is on clarifying and focusing on my relationships and I hope you will join me in this initiative. I work with my good friend and industry colleague Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, in writing the book THINK Yourself® a RELATIONSHIPS PRO. This guide book teaches you how to use your own personality style and those of others. As part of our work for this book, we developed a quiz to identify your Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. profile—a set of four “personality types” each with their own attributes and interaction styles and preferences. You can find out your Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. profile by doing our FREE STYLE-L.I.S.T. ASSESSMENT TOOL. You will learn what your primary Personality STYLE is and learning about your own style and the STYLE- L.I.S.T. profiles of the other three styles will help you learn about yourself and master communication with all styles, especially those who are not your style. The book and online course will help to improve your understanding of yourself and teach you principles to create amazing relationships based on the four relationship styles.
There are three important spheres of relationships to consider and successfully building relationships. Each sphere is different, but they all connect and influence each other. Clarity, focus and insight into the behavioural styles will help you develop successful and powerful relationships on all levels.
Relationship with Yourself
Before you can create meaningful relationships with others, The MO’st important relationship you can have is an understanding of and with yourself. Knowing who you are, your behavioural style, what drives you and how you influence, collaborate, connect and get along with others is self-awareness. Self-awareness is key to mastering relationships with others because you come from a place of authenticity and this will you more confident in how you show up in relationships!
Take a MO’ment: Find out what your Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. profile is by completing this STYLE-L.I.S.T. ASSESSMENT TOOL Nathalie and I created. Nathalie and I have just released a brand new online course called “THINK Yourself® a SALES PRO which is designed around the four Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. Click here to receive a complimentary “Daily Reference Guide. This guide gives you a quick overview of each profile and specifically their strengths and weaknesses, fears, intents and desires.
Professional Relationships
Building healthy relationships with those you work with is essential for success. People do not quit their jobs but they do quit the boss they do not respect or the people they do not get along with every day. Clarifying who it is you desire to have strong(er) relationships with and focusing on those relationships is as essential as the work that you do! Connecting and collaborating with others is essential if you want to be happy and go far in your career. You will also be a much more effective leader when you know how to get along great with those who are different in their Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. profile than you. What you focus on expands. By clarifying your intention and focusing on relationships with those you work with, lead or supervise, you will notice improved team dynamics, morale and work productivity. Moreover, when you understand your strengths and your weaknesses as a leader and, can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your team members, you can find mutually beneficial ways to communicate, collaborate and support one another better. Whether you are a leader of a team or an independent entrepreneur trying to sell a product or service, having a good understanding of your Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. profile will help you in all of your professional relationships. Trust me! Your colleagues, clients and customers do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. ????
Take a MO’ment: Do your Personality STYLE-L.I.S.T. profile quiz and encourage others n your team and colleagues to do the assessment too. When you all have your results, set up a meeting and share with each other what your primary style is. Utilize the “Daily Reference Guide” to support your discussion. This is a great team building activity to do with your colleagues and it will enhance understanding of how to improve working relationships and enhance team cohesion.
Personal Relationships
With February being both Heart month and with Valentine’s Day on the 14th there is greater attention on love and relationships (including romance). This month reminds us to focus on personal health (cardiac health) and happiness, along with personal relationships. There are times where we may lose our focus on balancing all our relationships with balancing our work-life relationship with ourselves. While I know it can be hard to find that work life balance at times, if you understand the science of relationships and your personal style as well as your partner’s or significant other’s it can really help you both understand and relate to each other on a whole new level. You will know how you like to be treated and how your significant other likes to be treated. This will create a deeper level of connection between the two of you and make the time you spend together more meaningful, romantic, long-lasting and fulfilling.
Take a MO’ment: Why not do the STYLE-L.I.S.T. ASSESSMENT TOOL with your sweetie, significant other this Valentine’s Day and take some time to share and compare your results over a glass of wine or bubbly? It’s the Valentine’s Day gift that will keep on giving this year and for many more to come.
Fun fact: The photo above was taken right after Ken and I were re-married on the beach in Costa Rica during our surprise 20th anniversary in February 2016. On Feb 14th he proposed, and we were married on February 15th. Can it get much MO’re romantic than that?!
While the world has changed dramatically and will remain part of our history, one thing that stands the test of time is certain: Resilient People have deeper human relationships with themselves and with others. Now more than ever, in 2021 and beyond, it is the power of connection through the relationships we harness that will keep us resilient and healthy. I wish you MO’re love (passion), purpose and power!
Want to learn more? Read the book THINK Yourself® a RELATIONSHIPS PRO or for a more in-depth understanding of relationship building and how your brain works join the THINK Yourself® A RELATIONSHIPS PRO Online Course where Nathalie and I take you through 25 lessons that will help you truly discover more about yourself and how to create amazing relationship around you in all areas of your life.
Concluding MO’ment: People are craving new ways to connect. Relationships are, in many ways, becoming deeper and more valuable than ever before. This pandemic has shown us that despite social distancing we can build and maintain strong social and community connections.
“If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”—African proverb