Who encouraged you to go after your dreams?

As we help to inspire positive change for women worldwide on International Women’s Day,  we invite you to put your hands out and STRIKE THE #BalanceforBetter POSE and post the name of a woman who helped you to ‘SHINE’ a light on your path in life?

Post your picture on social media and tag that person to win a copy of

Contest to Win a copy of SHINE. We will select 10 winners this week. Use the hashtag #shine to enter. Don’t forget to share it with the people who inspire you the most.

Who has inspired me?

I would like to recognize Jane Riddell, president at GoodLife Fitness as someone that has encouraged me. Jane has inspired me for 35 years and granted me the opportunities to grow into the leader that I have become today.  She held the torch, which lit my passion (and path), and I will always be grateful for her belief in me. 

The 10 extraordinary women featured in SHINE are: Maureen (Mo) Hagan, Lani Gelera, Mariam Griffith, Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, Kim Standeven, Tasha Hughes, Pascale Hansen, Adrienne Friedland Blumberg, Lynn Williams and Kim Roy.

Lets make International Women’s Day OUR day – Do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere.
Enter on Facebook.

Introducing a Meditation Album just for Leaders!

Why You Need This Album

The Harvard Business Review sites Meditation as one of the top Success Habits for the 21st century Leader. Why? Meditation calms & conditions the brain and mind. Through meditation you actually build & strengthen Life and Leadership skills such as Focus, Clarity, Emotional Intelligence & Resilience, Creativity, Empathy and so much more. Top Leadership Expert Mo Hagan & Meditation Coach Angela Kontgen have co created this Album to help Leaders take their Mind, their Life and Leadership to new levels. Whether you are a Leader of an organization or team, an Entrepreneur or simply a Leader in your own Life
– You will love this album!

What Drives You to Succeed?

As fitness professionals, we are motivated by a deep desire to help people achieve their fitness goals.

The research supports the idea that to succeed at something you must have a motive or a deep desire. Those who are wildly successful have heaps of motivation. While successful people may not always know what they are doing, they have a driving motive that is developed from an emotional state. They do not take no for an answer. When things get difficult, they push through and make things happen, negotiate or influence others as needed, and do not quit until they succeed at reaching their goal(s). That is what motivation is all about. Motivation is regulated by a part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens. This is a small region of the brain that regulates the flow of neurotransmitters between the brain and different nerve cells in the body and strongly influences whether or not you have the desire to do things like go to the gym, eat healthy, and prospect new clients for your business. One of those neurotransmitters worth mentioning is dopamine, because it is this brain chemical, released from this region of the brain, that plays a major role in triggering motivation and reward motivated behavior. Dopamine also influences memory, cognition, sleep, and mood. Behavioral neuroscientists and psychologists say that dopamine helps bridge the gap between inaction and action. Just as important as the hormonal and neurotransmitter factors that influence your motivation to succeed at something, there are social motives unique to humans that drive behavior. Social motives are specific to humans, while physiological motives are present in both animals and human beings. They are called social motives because they are learned, and the strength of one type of social motive or another will vary from one individual to another, which explains why some people have greater levels of drive to succeed than others. The more you understand the social motives you have, the greater the potential to learn how to harness motivation and take success to the next level. The three main social motives are power, affiliation, and achievement. These social motives are what compel you to your goals. If you do not use them, your emotional state will not be revved up enough (like putting your foot on the gas), and your progress will be slower, or you may not reach your goal at all. It is important to know that dopamine spikes whenever something goes better than expected – like feeling better than you expected after a tough workout or when you exceed a set goal. Unfortunately, your brain will get used to that feeling quickly and after a few experiences you come to expect the same “high”. Your dopamine levels will no longer spike quite as high and you will begin to feel less excited about difficult work tasks or different workouts, as examples. In order to keep your motivation high and dopamine spiking, you need to take on new challenges (in pursuit of new goals) every couple of weeks or so. Those who exercise, and those who teach and train, know that to keep motivation high they must switch up their exercises weekly, and their routines every four weeks. Remember if nothing changes, nothing changes.

Three Social Motives


People who are power motivated strive to exercise strong, influential action, generate strong emotions in others, and are concerned about reputation or position in the world. They seek positions of leadership, authority and status, and they are most often the leaders within their company. They make their life purpose to inspire others to achieve their best and to live a fulfilling life. This social motive is often called “influence motivation”.


People who are affiliation motivated strive to establish, maintain, and restore close relationships with others and they characterize group activities as social, friendly, and collaborative. The need for being connected with others, for working cohesively with others, while creating participation is key. They succeed in coaching, consulting, and managerial roles that require relationship building.


Achievement motivated people enjoy setting and achieving challenging goals, and they strive for innovative and unique accomplishments. They are very goal oriented and they perform best when they are given deadlines to achieve. To get to know which social motive drives your performance, you need to first tap into your emotions to really see what drives your behavior. Then you need to take daily action to keep your drive revving high. Visualization is an effective way to tap in. Think about a situation in which you are at the centre of attention, such as when you are giving a presentation. Focus on everything—from what you are wearing, what the room looks like, and how many people are sitting in front of you in the audience. Then ask yourself “how do I feel?” If you have a positive emotional response to this situation and you feel confident and strong, that is a sign you are driven by power. If you feel comfortable or somewhat anxious you are motivated by affiliation or achievement. If you were imagining how you could network with the people in your audience, your motive is affiliation. If you are driven by achievement, you envisioned getting over your fear of public speaking or imagined a standing ovation following your presentation. Which motive did you relate to the most in this scenario? If you are eager to learn your dominating social motive then I encourage you to check out my recent book, co-authored by Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas and Tasha Hughes. It is called Think YOURSELF™ Successful-The DNA System To Reprogram Your Brain & Wire Yourself For Success. It will provide you with more insight on this area of motivation as well as a self-assessment so you can determine your dominant social motive.

Wayne Huizenga

Some people dream of success while other people wake up every morning and make it happen.

Think Yourself Successful

Once you have tapped into your primary social motive, you can use this knowledge as a powerful tool to feed your motivation on a daily basis. I have created a 15 Minute Morning SUCCESS Routine, a simple 7-step routine that you can put into practice first thing upon rising each day. This will ignite your motivation spark by changing your state, both mind and body. SUCCESS is an acronym for this 7-step method: Sit in Silence (five minutes of silence and/or meditation to become mindful of your breathing, your thoughts, and your feelings). Understand and identify one strength that you will bring to your success today. (Spend one minute and complete the following sentence “I am………………….. today”.) Construct a picture in your mind of the future and how things will be and feel when you reach your goal. Spend one minute visualizing. Create a mantra or affirmation (positive statement beginning with “I am…”) and recite this statement out loud five times to confirm your belief in achieving your goal (for today or in the future). Spend one minute reciting this statement (best to be recited in front of a mirror). Energize your mind with personal reading or audio listening for five minutes. Scribe in a journal what you are most excited about, proud of having achieved or grateful for on this day, for one minute. Stretch and move to energize and power up your body, with rebounding (aerobic movement) for one minute followed by one minute of “Power Posing”. Perform the following power poses in front of a mirror for one minute while reflecting on your strength, visualizing yourself having succeeded and reciting your mantra out loud (in each pose).


If you are motivated to make SUCCESS a part of your daily life then I will encourage you to embark on a 28 day SUCCESS challenge. Make a commitment to do this 15 Minute Morning SUCCESS Routine for the next 28 days. *Disclaimer: Your mornings will never be the same after 28 days. Join Mo and Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas at the canfitpro world fitness expo in their session “Think YOURSELF™ a Leader”.

Download the Self Assessment


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Remember Why

To truly understand the impact you will have on your staff and members you must begin with “why”.  Why you are here doing what you do is far more important than what you do.   Putting in time in your job, getting a promotion or adding more credentials behind your name will not define you or your success.  How you choose to show up everyday is a choice and it is your choices that lead to the outcomes that ultimately influence your success.

If you want to achieve more or become better in any area of your life then it is your will to choose.  As the saying goes “if you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”.  Success is a habit you shape from daily acts of discipline duplicated over time.  Discipline is a practice of training.  Just as lifting weights is a practice of strength training, daily acts of measurable constant improvement is a success practise. In Brendon Burchard’s latest book “High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way” he shares the top performance habits that are common to extraordinary people.  He states that the ability to be a high performer has nothing to do with one’s background.  “Race, ethnicity, gender, income level, compensation and personality were not strongly correlated with long-term performance which gives hope to everybody that wherever you are at today, you can choose habits for success”.  It doesn’t matter if you failed a year ago or ten years ago, today you can start new habits and it is your habits that shape your character and, it is your character that ‘takes the stage’ each day you show up.  High performers decide to show up every day just a bit better than the day before and they choose to show up tomorrow better than today.  High performers choose the will to become high performers. They believe in their abilities, they have confidence in their will to direct their performance in any direction they choose.  They choose to ‘be’ the person they desire to become until they ‘become’ the person they desire.  Will this journey always be easy? No, but it will no doubt inspire you to grow and learn.  I encourage you to take a moment to reflect and ask yourself “Why am I here?”. “How am I showing up today?” “How can I positively impact the world with my presence?”