“Leadership is not about titles, status and wielding power. A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas and has the courage to develop that potential”.
~ Brené Brown, Dare to Lead
This pandemic has disproportionately affected women, which means there is no time better than NOW to come together and engage in leadership and understand what it means to be a leader in times of crisis and extraordinary change. I believe that every woman deserves the opportunity to step into her own version of LeadHERship to experience positive transformation. This is the motivation behind the 7th Annual Women Who Influence Event and built into the theme for the event – LeadHERship: Elevate your own leadership and inspire others to rise with you. Everybody deserves to come out of this pandemic with the determination and motivation to live their lives to unlimited potential.
This year, we decided to try something different and brand-new. Rather than keep all the goodness for one day, we planned a pre-event LeadHERship and Motivation coaching session which I hosted on July 15th with my amazing co-host – Beth Yarzab – to ignite the leadership spark and both fire up and fast track our growth and prime us for the transformative experience on August 12th.
If the energy, empowerment, and personal growth and reflection that was sparked in this 90-minute coaching session is any indication of what we will experience at Women Who Influence on August 12th, I could not be more excited! I wanted to share some of my learnings and a small sample of what happened at the session to give you an idea of the incredible energy and high-vibe growth and greatness we can anticipate for August 12th:
We heard from our Women Who Influence Opening and Closing Speakers, Shakera Martin and Jennifer Hargreaves, as well as our distinguished event sponsors – THINK Yourself ACADEMY, WIFA and Rose Buddha!
Shakera Martin brought the energy and “VIBEZ”. Our vibes, or the energy we give off, are such a powerful tool for how we show up. They govern how we show up and what we engage with others and that influences our ability to lead and affect change. The vibes we give off shift an atmosphere and how others feel when we are connected to them. In August, we will learn from Shakera about how she connects and taps into her vibes, how she keeps her vibes high! Movement shifts your energy and your vibes instantaneously. Shakera wants you to show up in the world as your best self from the inside out and will show you how on August 12th!
Jennifer Hargreaves is our closing speaker, and she is dedicated to closing the opportunity/equity gap – both externally in the workforce and internally. As I have mentioned, women’s careers have been disproportionately impacted by this pandemic. But Jennifer encouraged us by saying that when there is massive disruption there is room for innovation. It is on this topic of innovation and the silver linings we can take advantage of coming out of this pandemic for harnessing our leadership potential that she will be speaking to at the August event.
I presented my Six Self-Care Leadership Principles and attendees workshopped these in small groups to make the learning both meaningful and actionable.
Self-care Leadership is a new style of leadership that I am truly passionate about promoting. This approach presents a change from the traditional style of leadership. Leadership today is no longer about titles, seniority it is about recognizing and employing sources of personal power and ability to create the positive effects that allow you to rise as a leader to carve a path for others to be inspired by and follow.
Let’s define the 6 principles of Self-care Leadership, which also spell C.H.A.N.G.E:
Be Courageous
Be honest with where you are at
Always Do your Best
Nurture Your Strengths
Embrace Empathy
I am on a mission to help more people understand the power this new future focused leadership philosophy holds. Self-care will help us to survive not only this time but to thrive in the future. We deserve to come out of this pandemic a stronger, more powerful version of ourselves. The unlimited potential is for each and every one of us to create. And the tool I am about to introduce to you, which I created for Women Who Influence, will help you understand and take action on these principles to do just that!
We introduced the 28-Day C.H.A.N.G.E & Self-Care LeadHERship Challenge, which connects the Six Self-Care Leadership Principles to a daily short, but powerful, activity.
The challenge starts on Friday, August 16th (which is exactly 28 days to the 7th Annual Women Who Influence Event!). Even if you did not attend the coaching session, you can still download the calendar and follow along with the challenge. Join us on the journey that will help us rise to our next-level and which will lead us to even greater growth at the main event on August 12th!
Participating in the challenge will have you feeling powerful so on August 12 you are ready to elevate yourself and rise. It will strengthen your leadership vibe and your intention around self-care. Each day’s activity will layer up and compound with interest to lift you up. This will help you develop the leadership skills you own and develop these skills. As you go through the 28 days, inspire others by sharing your activities and help us create the vibe to rise together. Tag #womenwhoinfluence
The best part – this challenge is a renewable resource! You can use this calendar over and over again.
During times of crisis and change, it is the best time to open your mind to a new model for leadership. This approach will make you ready and resilient to rise in the world. Are you ready to take responsibility for your leadership and be courageous to recognize your unlimited potential? This is “our moment” as women and leaders. The LeadHERship and MO’tivation coaching session and Women Who Influence are all about being present in the MO’ment. This is “Our MO’ment” to nourish ourselves so that we can help others by harnessing our personal leadership potential.
If you’ve been waiting or wondering, this is your sign friends – you don’t want to miss out! Go to https://www.canfitpro2021.org/women2021 to register for the event and be part of the 7th Annual Women Who Influence Event or if you have already registered encourage others to rise with you and invite them to also attend. Courage comes through community. A leadHERship community is waiting for you, and I invite you to join us!