“We need to let go of limitations and MO’ve forward and embrace a bigger, bolder vision for the future as the world reopens and we reinvent ourselves.”
Mo Hagan

“Change beings with us. It is within all of us.”

Q: Why are you here? Why do you exist?

MO: We are emerging from an unprecedented time of unpredictability, upheaval and chaos in our world. The last year and a half have driven us apart in so many ways. We have experienced individual and collective loss on personal and professional levels, loneliness and disconnection. The challenges and changes brought by the global pandemic have shaken individuals and communities. We cannot go back, and we cannot let the past hold us back. We must think about and look forward to the future! For too long, we have experienced restrictions. We need to let go of limitations and MO’ve forward and embrace a bigger, bolder vision for the future as the world reopens and we reinvent ourselves. For this to happen we need to know our WHY so that we are able to move forward to rebuild our communities and connect with one another. We have missed the opportunity to connect and interact. The power of human connection is healing, transformative, rejuvenating and very much needed. A time of reinvention and renewal is upon us.

Q: What is the profound change you wish to move in the world?

MO: For the fitness industry, this is an incredible time for change and opportunity. We are being presented with the opportunity to re-imagine a world where more people can use exercise as their path to move forward. I am excited to be a leader in this space!

Q: Why does the world need to move forward?

MO: There is still much uncertainty as we navigate the new way forward. Rebuilding our confidence to move forward will be essential. I believe this comes from connecting to our own inner power by learning to listen within. Examine your inner dialogue for the clues and trust it to guide us to MO’ve forward. I have learned the importance of listening to that second voice, or gut instinct also called intuition. This means listening to my heart and sometimes learning to get out of my own way to allow my intuition to shine through. It has served me well in the end. While I might not have known what I was doing deep down I knew WHY, and I followed that inner knowing. While other people’s judgements of my decisions may have momentarily affected me, I have learned how to change my state and regain my confidence to MO’ve boldly forward. I always ultimately regret not listening to my intuition.

Q: What is your legacy – how did you move the world?

MO: At the heart of the reason why the world needs to move forward is the need and desire for change. Change begins with us. It is within all of us. I believe in the principles of change leadership and encourage others to take responsibility by embracing them. Only then can we move our world forward.

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